13th Annual Charity Tennis Cup

13th Annual Charity Tennis Cup

3 Sept. 2023 from 9:30 a.m.

Dear Supporters and Friends of Pink Crocodile, 

It is that time of year and we are happy to announce our 13th annual Pink Crocodile Charity Tennis Tournament. We cordially invite you to join us on Sunday, 3.9.2023 at the Pála Vízner Tennis Club (www.palaviznertennis.cz) from 9:30 till afternoon. As every year we plan a men’s double and mixed double.

This year’s event is looking to support three of our projects. 

1. www.pece-bez-prekazek.cz 

An organization consisting also of parents of children with disabilities. Their mission is to improve the environment for care and to raise the need to share experiences with other parents in a similar situation, develop information and educational website, provide access to physiotherapy, lobby for a better general situation.

They need 225.000 CZK per year for regular care of children and are looking for 75.000 CZK  for this purpose.

2. www.iczahrada.cz 

A center that provides therapy to its students on site. They would like to renew a whirlpool in order to make aqua therapy possible for the children. For this with the help of the Discovery team, we help plan the project and look for funds to buy the whirlpool with all  needed technology, as well as to install it. Expected costs are still open and are depending on the costs of building the pool on site, because it can not be brought through normal entrances. As a min I expect around about 750.000 - 1.000.000 CZK.

3. www.dejmedetemsanci.cz 

We support this organization annually and pay for 3-4 young people who leave the children's home and want to do an education or study. As they cannot rely on my family and your financial support we support them. This year we plan to pay 160.000 CZK for four young people.

With your help we can make a big difference for these communities! So pick your partner and join our tennis tournament in support of these worthy projects!

Our sponsorship options include the following

Gold Sponsor: 100,000 CZK: Main sponsor package includes entry of 3 teams (6 players), 6 visitor passes, dominant logo placement on all print/promo material, promotional stand at the tournament.

Silver Sponsor: 50,000 CZK: Sponsor package includes entry of 2 teams (4 players), 2 visitor passes, logo placement on all print/promo material

Bronze Sponsors: 25,000 CZK: Sponsor package includes entry of 1 team (2 players), 2 visitor passes, logo placement on all print/promo material

A big thank you to all our recent sponsors.

For individual participation:

Adults Teams (from 15 years): 4,000 CZK/team registration fee incl. food and beverage.

Visitor: 500 CZK incl. food and beverage (200 CZK for children up to 14).

We are looking for up to 20 teams for men doubles and mixed doubles (two listed or previously listed players may not enter in one team).

To register or ask for more information about the sponsorship options, please contact ulrike.schneider@pink-crocodile.org.

Pink Crocodile News

Charity Advent Market

Join our partner Act for Others during their amazing Charity Advent Market taking place from 26-11.28.12. in Prague: https://www.actforothers.cz/en/upcoming-event/


Our Sponsors

These companies have been playing a key role in supporting the Pink Crocodile Charity.